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Email Marketing Training Courses

During this course you will learn how to create superb HTML newletters, using raw HTML code, graphics and text that are both engaging and conform to all of the main requirements for successful email marketing. We discuss methods of creation, the pro's and cons of various technologies and approaches, the actual creation of the HTML email, and various methods by which you can use this versatile email marketing format to advertise your companies products and services effectively and achieve many successful campaigns.

email marketing training
email marketing courses in London

Module 1 - What is email marketing?

  • History & Perceptions
  • Statistics, usage, facts
  • The HTML vs Text email debate
  • Why dialogue is so important

Module 2 - SPAM and permission-based marketing

  • Factors affecting deliverability
  • What is SPAM - how to avoid it
  • Legislation to be aware of including CANSPAM
  • Best practices for avoiding junk filters

Module 3 - Building and maintaining an opt-in list

  • Opt-in marketing 101
  • Subscription tactics for your site
  • Segmentation & targeting
  • Integrating CRMs

Module 4 - In the inbox - crafting a campaign for ROI

  • Planning your campaign - goals and objectives, acquisition vs. retention
  • Know your audience
  • Getting the frequency right
  • Subject lines & From fields
  • Using dynamic content and wildcards
  • Writing copy for ROI
  • Email’s next generation - mobile devices, rich media, the iPad

Module 5 - HTML Email - what does and does not work

  • HTML - common tags and their usage
  • Graphics - optimal sizes and uploading
  • Forms - pros and cons
  • CSS - pros and cons
  • Flash and animated GIFs
  • Frames and iFrames
  • Best methods and practices

Module 6 - Creating an HTML Email Newsletter

  • Using Notepad and Dreamweaver
  • Layout styles: 1, 2 and 3 column layouts
  • Optimal sizes and dimensions
  • Banners, headers and footers
  • Text VS HTML formats
  • Graphics and how to link them
  • Hyperlinks, Animation
  • Coding an HTML Email Newsletter

Module 7 - Marketing with HTML Email Newsletters

  • Uploading your design
  • Setting up an email campaign
  • Creating a mailing list
  • Managing subscribers
  • Scheduling email & when to send
  • Sending email
  • Email tracking techniques: click-through's, bounces & reports
  • Anti-spam techniques - how to avoid being marked as spam
  • Microsoft Outlook: pros and cons

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